Tuesday, September 1, 2009

For those that are control freaks

For those of us who are control freaks, I have a word of consolation.

Let me reassure you of something you've always feared:

Here it is: If you just let go of your rigidly, over-planned life for just one second, it'll still be okay.

The world will not spin apart, life will not end as you know it and everything will most likely be just fine.

If you take a vacation from work, the work will still get done and you will not get fired.

If you allow your spouse to spend time with the kids, they will still get fed, take their naps, have their diapers changed and be the healthy, adorable kids you know them to be.

If you eat one thing more than you intended for lunch, you will not gain five pounds.

If you show up five minutes late for your appointment (due to totally unforeseen circumstances), your client will understand - especially if you're normally on time.

Similarly, if your life has not turned out to be what you expected thus far, you still have time.

If you still haven't found that perfect mate, there's still hope.

And if you see no plan or purpose for your life at all - you still have today.

Here's a final note to those of us who are control freaks:

You cannot control anyone or anything. As a matter of fact, you can barely control yourself. You can only do what you can do when you are able to do it. You have done the absolute best you can with what you have and you will continue to do better as you heal emotionally and learn more about life.

You are not in control and you never will be. There will always be circumstances that will happen whether or not you plan for every contingency. You will now have to learn what words and phrases like "go with the flow" "be flexible" and "be prepared for anything" really mean. Because that's LIFE. Unpredictable, illogical, yet filled with wonder.

Let go. Take a vacation. Take a day off. Eat a bowl of ice cream. It's okay - the world will not end. Take today to enjoy what you have right where you are - acknowledging you have done your absolute best to accomplish your dreams, further your career and make a difference in this world.

Forgive yourself for anything you've done wrong and mentally prepare yourself for the next challenge you will surely face.


So stop trying...

-Daily Meditations for Tough Times

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