Tuesday, March 30, 2010

When we experience faithlessness

Even when I'm faithless, HE is faithful. Days might be rough, but the steps of a good man are ordered and he will honor you and your seed. He is not only with me, but he dwells inside of me.

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Friday, March 26, 2010

Be the Answer

You can't depend on some expert or guru to provide you with the answer you seek. Instead of looking for the answer outside yourself, choose to be the answer by the way you think and act. 

You are the world's most knowledgeable expert on your own life. Put some of that expertise to good use. Certainly others can give you advice, suggestions, inspiration and expanded perspective. Yet it is up to you to choose what is best for your own unique situation.

The most valuable course of action is not to be found by plugging yourself into someone else's formula. The success you will achieve is the success you work to define on your own terms. Speak with your own voice, think with your own mind, and act according to your own vision. 

The expert advice that will be most beneficial is the control you exercise over the choices you make. 

Live in such a way as to be the solution to the problems you face and the answer to the questions you ponder. And be the fulfilled, successful person you are destined to be.

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Uplifting Thought: Choose to Live For, Rather than Against

Choose to live for, rather than against. Focus on what you love and not on any kind of hate.

Practice genuine, cleansing forgiveness, and let the burden of resentment fall softly away. Remind yourself that worry accomplishes nothing worthwhile, and give your awareness to more productive pursuits.

Put your energy into building what is creative, valuable and empowering. And you won't have to constantly fight against what is destructive and draining.

Concern yourself more with accepting responsibility than with assigning blame. Let the possibilities inspire you more than the obstacles discourage you.

You have so very much to live for. Look at each twist and turn in the road with a grateful heart, and you'll find real treasure in every direction.

Live your days on the positive side of life, in tune with your most treasured values. And in each moment you'll have much to live for.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Lesson's Learned from The Celebrity Apprentice (Seasons 1 & 2)

I must admit that I love both 'The Apprentice' and 'The Celebrity Apprentice'. I would love to be on the show myself. I respect Donald Trump's decision making and I value his Lesson's Learned. Here are a few:

Lesson one: Always focus on the goal. Two seasons ago, Gene Simmons and his team were assigned a task that they could only win if they raised more money than the competition. So Gene pulled out his address book and started calling his wealthy friends to ask them for checks. He didn't worry about designing beautiful posters or making his teammates happy. He identified the goal and he nailed it. It was a revolutionary moment in Celebrity Apprentice history that taught us that singular focus is a key to success. The lesson? Do what you are asked to do first. If you get sidetracked, you won't succeed.

Lesson two: Don't hang back. Over the first two Celebrity seasons, we have seen many contenders -- like Brande Roderick and Jennie Finch -- who waited to step into leadership roles. Some of these hold-back contestants seemed to think that if they never took on leadership roles, they could never be fired for a failure. It's a strategy that might work until the middle point of your career, but no farther. If you want to reach the top, you need to claim leadership roles.

Lesson three: Don't be unsteady. Jesse James and Clint Black seemed like reliable, hardworking guys. But then they suddenly became angry, threatening, and unsteady. They lost the trust of the other contestants -- as well as the trust of Donald Trump -- and they were quickly gone. So the lesson is, people can only count on you if you are a reliable presence, not a loose cannon. To succeed, you need support.

Lesson four: Treat serious business with a serious attitude. Herschel Walker is a great example. He always bore down, identified problems, and worked hard. Compare him to Tom Green, who was more concerned with getting a laugh than with winning. The lesson? Clowns might earn a living, but they work for other people.

Lesson five: Have a great work ethic. Two seasons ago, country music star Trace Adkins set aside his ego and did whatever was asked of him -- including playing errand boy for The Backstreet Boys. Nothing was beneath him. Even though he did not win the season, his great attitude won the respect of Donald Trump and all the other celebrities. He is still remembered as one of the strongest contestants in Celebrity Apprentice history.

Lesson six: Share credit, like Piers Morgan, Marilu Henner, and other good leaders. People who let other people look good get ahead, while people who shoulder into the spotlight come out looking petty and mean. So when you score a success in your career, be sure to spread the credit around.

Lesson seven: Clean up your act. Dennis Rodman's drinking got him fired from the show. And Khloe Kardashian's onetime DUI arrest did the same for her. The lesson? Addictive behaviors can knock you off the path to success. If you have problem in this area, seek help before you damage yourself and others.

Lesson eight: Don't expect everything to be orderly and logical in your professional life. Last season, Joan Rivers won after breaking many rules of business behavior. She let family loyalty cloud her judgment. She attacked Annie Duke on a very personal level, calling her "Hitler." She walked off the job, then she came back. You aren't supposed to do things like that and succeed, yet Joan won the season anyway. So the lesson is, unpredictable things happen in business. Learn to deal with them. If you want to succeed, you have to learn to adapt and adjust.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

7 Modern Sins

The 7 modern sins: politics without principles, pleasures without conscience, wealth without work, knowledge without
character, industry without morality, science without humanity,worship without sacrifice.

     -- Canon Frederic Donaldson

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Monday, March 15, 2010

Know Your Path and Know Yourself!

"The Law of Attraction, Power of Positive Thinking and Intention are all extremely powerful tools to help you attract and manifest your highest potential. 
However, they are all secondary to intuition. 

Unless you are walking on the path that your soul knows it must walk on none of these tools will work properly for you.

If you're living a fear based life and believe that your dreams aren't real, then the Law of Attraction will give you unrealized dreams, the Power of Positive thinking and Intention will turn into hopeless wishing because you're taking action based on fear. 

Once you cross over and say "Yes!" to what you soul knows it should be doing, only then will these tools be of any use to you! We are not five sensory beings; we have 6 senses, intuition being the sixth and most important sense. 

Once you learn to trust and take action only on your own guidance the world will bow at your feet."

- Mastin Kipp, founder of TDL.

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Thursday, March 11, 2010

10 Habits of Highly Organized People

1. Walk away from bargains
Just because you can buy a cashmere sweater for $20 or three bottles of ketchup for the price of one doesn't mean you should. "Ask, 'Do I have something similar?' and 'Where am I going to store it?' before making a purchase," advises New York City professional organizer Julie Morgenstern, author of Shed Your Stuff, Change Your Life.

2. Make peace with imperfection
Efficient people give "A-level effort" to the most important projects (say, work assignments or a kitchen redesign), and for the rest they do just enough to get the job done, says Renae Reinardy, PsyD, a psychologist who specializes in hoarding disorders. Maybe you give yourself permission to bring store-bought cookies to a school bake sale or donate a bag of stuff—unsorted!—to Goodwill. "Trying to do every task perfectly is the easiest way to get bogged down," says Reinardy.

3. Never label anything "miscellaneous"
You put a bunch of things into a file or box and write this catchall across the front. "But within a week you've forgotten what's in there," says Morgenstern. Instead, sort items into specific groups—"electric bills," "lightbulbs," and so on.

4. Schedule regular decluttering sessions
Rather than wait until an industrious mood strikes (we all know where that leads), have a decluttering routine in place—whether it's spending 15 minutes sorting mail after work or tackling a new project every Sunday afternoon.

5. Stick with what works
"I have clients who will try every line of makeup, every cell phone—it's exhausting," says Dorothy Breininger, president of the Delphi Center for Organization. Don't waste time (and money) obsessively seeking out the best thing.

6. Create a dump zone
Find a space to corral all the stuff that you don't have time to put away the moment you step in the door, says Breininger. Once you're ready to get organized, you won't have to hunt all over the house for the dry cleaning or your child's field trip permission slip.

7. Ask for help
"The organized person is willing to expose herself to short-term embarrassment and call for backup," says Breininger. Which is to say, that elaborate four-course dinner you planned? Change it to a potluck.

8. Separate emotions from possessions
It's healthy to be attached to certain items—a vase you picked up in Paris, your grandmother's pearls. But holey concert tees or cheap, scuffed earrings your husband gave you years ago? Just let them go.

9. Foresee (and avoid) problems
You wouldn't leave the house on a gray day without an umbrella, right? People who appear to sail through life unruffled apply this thinking to every scenario, says Breininger. Have a cabinet packed with leaning towers of Tupperware? Organized folks will take a few minutes to short-circuit an avalanche before it happens. (In other words, rearranging that cupboard now is easier than chasing after wayward lids as they scatter underneath the fridge.)

10. Know where to donate
It's easier to part with belongings if they're going to a good home. Identify a neighbor's son who fits into your child's outgrown clothes, or choose a favorite charity. "It will save you from searching for the perfect recipient every time you need to unload something," says Morgenstern.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Secret to Health

The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, or not to anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Yoke Check!

Jesus said, "for My yoke is easy, and My load is light." [Matthew 11:30] when you start feeling undue pressure on you - a burden too heavy to carry, you might want to do a "yoke check."

See if you may have picked up a yoke that looked holy and seemed right to your natural mind, but unknowingly had been placed in your path by someone in a religious outer shell....an angel of light sent to put you on an unholy tread- mill and cause you to veer off the path God has chosen for you.

Monday, March 8, 2010

When God says move..you move!

It's a wonderful day to be a child of God.  Have you ever stayed in a position too long?  Your entire body became numb.  Have you ever heard God tell you to do something but you did not?  You decided to do what you wanted to do.  Have you ever went against God's will and later experienced hell on earth?  You knew it was wrong but you did it anyway.  So often in our lives, we pray for the Will of God to be manifested in our lives.  We ask the Lord to have His way with and through us.  It sounds wonderful when you utter those words, "Lord I surrender all!"  Many times our mouth speaks what our heart does not desire; and many times our heart desires something that our mouth does not declare.  Have you ever been there?  Are you there now?


Today, I have been commissioned to come and minister to you.  What has the Lord told you to do?  Are you attempting to ignore the call of God for your life?  My friend, When God Say Move … You Move!  Have you ever known someone who attempts to bargain with the Lord.  They try to make deals with God.  Are you this person?  In your life, have you heard the voice of God speak directly to you and/or your situation?  Is God telling you to make a move?  Are you in order?  The Bibledeclares in Isaiah 55:8 - For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, saith the LORD.  God formed and ordained you for a purpose.  Sometimes we become comfortable in one position too long.  Our body and mind stops functioning properly.  The Bible declares inEcclesiastes 3:1 - To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:  What has the Lord said to you?  Where does God want you?  Are you on the right side to receive?


My brother, my sister, When God Say Move … You Move!  You must understand, delayed obedience is still disobedience.  When God spoke, you heard Him.  Since you heard Him, you are now held accountable for your actions.  The Bible declares in Hebrews 3:15 - While it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation.  When God Say Move … You Move!  Many times, we move before God says move and we later regret our decisions.  We become anxious until we get ahead of God's plan.  The Bible declares in Philippians 4:6 - Be careful (anxious) for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.  What are you waiting for?  Who are you waiting on?  The friend you desire to take with you, may not be the person Godwants to go with you.  Understand, the move of God does not depend upon your position in church, your years of membership or your many degrees.  When God chooses you, He chooses the one He can use for His glory.  

Thought to Remember:When God Say Move … You Move!


Scripture Reading for the Day: Psalms 119:11


May God Bless you at Your point of need!

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Thought of the Day - 3/2

Happiness keeps you sweet
Trials keep you strong
and Sorrows keep you human
Failures keep you humble
Sucess keeps you glowing
But only God keeps you going!

Don't tell God how big the storm is...
Tell the storm how big God is!