Thursday, December 17, 2009
New tax law that makes it easier to gain access to Roth IRAs
Investors and financial advisers are preparing to take advantage of a new tax law that makes it easier to gain access to Roth IRAs—even if it means breaking a sacrosanct rule about Roth conversions.
Starting, Jan. 1, the $100,000 income limit disappears for converting traditional individual retirement accounts and employer-sponsored retirement plans to Roth IRAs, one of the biggest changes on the IRA landscape in years. Roths, of course, have long been viewed as one of the best deals in retirement planning; after investors meet holding requirements, virtually all withdrawals are tax-free.
Just how many investors will make the leap is unclear. Converting to a Roth can be expensive; it requires paying income tax on all pretax contributions and earnings included in the amount converted. What's more, financial advisers have long argued that converting makes sense only if an investor can pay the tax from funds outside the IRA itself - an admonition that seemingly limits the strategy to the very wealthy.
That said, some financial advisers say growing numbers of their clients are leaning toward a Roth conversion, even if they have to tap their traditional IRAs to pay the taxes. The primary reasons: new, contrarian analyses of taxes and conversions—and a desire to gain more control over nest eggs in the years ahead. With a traditional IRA, investors must begin tapping their accounts after reaching age 701/2, which increases taxable income. With a Roth, there are no required distributions, giving retirees more flexibility in managing their investments and cash flow.
For many investors, "the required minimum distribution makes them sick," says John Neyland, president of JCN Financial Group in Baton Rouge, La. "They don't want the government to tell them when to take the money out."
Although only 5% of the country's $3.7 trillion IRA assets currently are held in Roths, about 13 million households holding more than $1.4 trillion in retirement assets will become newly eligible next month for conversions, says Ben Norquist, president of Convergent Retirement Plan Solutions LLC, a Brainerd, Minn., consulting firm. Vanguard Group predicts that 5% of its customers will do Roth conversions in 2010, up from a typical 1.5% rate. Charles Schwab & Co. found that 13% of 400 households with adjusted $100,000-plus incomes are considering converting at least part of their IRAs.
The income tax due on assets being moved to a Roth from a traditional IRA is a non-starter for many people, because few—including those with incomes of $100,000 or more—have the assets outside their tax-deferred accounts to pay the Internal Revenue Service. Others, who do have the money, are reluctant to part with it; such funds, often, are set aside for emergencies.
But some financial planners, after running projections involving retirement savings, withdrawals and taxes in coming decades, have concluded that it's worthwhile for many in this group to convert at least some of their IRA assets to a Roth—and pay the tax with funds inside the IRA.
"I have a case where my client is 60, and I was surprised to find that she comes out ahead whether she pays the tax with cash \[outside the IRA\] or the assets inside the IRA," says Deborah Linscott, a financial adviser in Dublin, Ohio.
Here's why: Even though individuals who convert and who decide to pay the tax bill with funds inside their IRA are lowering their overall IRA balance, their new Roth account eliminates the requirement to make taxable withdrawals after age 701/2. For some people, that means they can stay below the threshold at which much of their Social Security checks would be taxed. Others can avoid higher Medicare premiums (which are tied to income levels). And a few could wind up leaving larger legacies down the road, since inherited Roth IRAs aren't subject to income tax, either.
Bob Phillips, a 64-year-old retired engineer in suburban Cleveland, plans to covert his traditional IRA valued at $552,000 to a Roth. He has only about $8,000 in cash, so he plans to pay the tax from his IRA assets, which will reduce his retirement savings. But when Mr. Phillips turns 701/2, he won't have to make any taxable withdrawals, meaning the $35,000 in Social Security benefits that he and his wife receive annually shouldn't become taxable.
If the Phillipses can avoid losing about 20% of their Social Security to taxes, their Roth withdrawals—should they need them—will be smaller, as well. That, in turn, gives the Roth a better chance to grow with time, says Mark Tepper, the couple's investment adviser.
Mr. Tepper used 10,000 "Monte Carlo" simulations (designed to estimate the odds of reaching financial goals) and found that, without doing a Roth conversion, they have only a 50-50 chance of making their funds last across their life expectancies. With a Roth conversion, even using assets from the account itself to pay the tax, they have an 88% chance of not outliving their savings.
Some additional points to consider:
— Investors weighing Roth conversions may want to run their plans by a local accountant: At least one state, Wisconsin, didn't drop the $100,000 income limit, meaning unwitting residents over that limit face a penalty for Roth conversions.
— IRA owners with Medicare Part B who convert to a Roth may subject themselves for a year or two to higher premiums (which, again, are tied to income).
— Investors under age 59 1/2 who convert to a Roth would pay an early-withdrawal penalty on IRA assets used to pay tax.
— Using IRA assets to pay the tax man reduces the amount you could later "recharacterize": If the converted Roth assets fall in value, you are allowed to recharacterize the account as a traditional IRA and no longer owe the tax. "But if you take $100,000 out of your IRA and you only roll $80,000 into a Roth, you only have $80,000 to recharacterize, not the whole thing," says Ed Slott, an IRA consultant in Rockville Centre, N.Y.
—Anne Tergesen contributed to this article.
Write to Kelly Greene at
Monday, December 14, 2009
Five Energy Zapping Foods
Postworkout caffeine may be energizing at first, but it won't last all day. Plus, your favorite sweetened mocha adds unnecessary fat and sugar. Instead, opt for green tea sweetened with just a touch of honey.
2.) Muffins and other pastries
People often think fruit-filled muffins are a much healthier choice than donuts or danishes. But all of those foods contain too many calories, not enough protein, and are often loaded with sugar.
3.) Candy bars, granola bars, and protein bars
Sure, you'll find some protein in these bars, but you'll also find lots of calories. These are never a good choice if sugar or corn syrup is among the top five ingredients.
4.) Pretzels
It's no wonder most people make pretzels their number one choice when it comes to the office vending machine. It's easy to be pulled in by the low-fat labeling of these tasty snacks. The down side? They lack adequate protein and contain enough processed white flour to send blood sugar skyrocketing.
5.) Ice cream, hamburgers, etc.
How often have you justified eating junk food after lifting weights or completing a grueling run? "Rewarding" yourself with one of these high-fat convenience foods after a workout cancels out all the hard work you just completed.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
12/12 affirmation
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Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Be careful of the thoughts, habits, people, and things that you allow to fill your voids.
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Friday, December 4, 2009
Vitamin D and Winter Immune Health
Have you ever wondered why Cold and Flu viruses rise during the winter months? Or why people experience higher rates of depression during the autumn/winter? The link to both of these issues as well as other commonly experienced problems is a Vitamin D Deficiency.
During the Winter months we often experience shorter days and reduced sunlight. One natural source of vitamin D is indeed 'Sunlight'. Before delving into deeper research a correlation is already noticed.
What is Vitamin D?:
Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin mainly found in two forms, vitamin D2 or ergocalciferol and vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol. It is primarily responsible for maintaining the level of calcium and potassium in the body by facilitating their absorption. Therefore, vitamin D is crucial for bone growth and repair. It also strengthens the immune system and inhibits the secretion of parathyroid hormone. It is mainly produced in the skin with the help of ultraviolet radiation of sunlight. So the synthesis of vitamin D in the skin is determined by a number of factors including season, geography, smog, cloud cover and the time of the day, all of which can affect the exposure to sunlight. Liver is the main storage organ for vitamin D.
Common causes of Vitamin D Deficiency are:
Poor nutritional intake (malnutrition); inadequate intake of fruits and vegetables, excessive drinking and smoking, overuse of medications, and prolonged oxidative stress.
Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency:
Deficiency of vitamin D in children can cause rickets, which is characterized by retarded growth and deformation of the skull, while in adults it causes osteomalacia. Osteomalacia is characterized by weak bones, bone pain, bone softening and muscle pain. Vitamin D deficiency can also cause periodontal diseases, chronic fatigue, irritability, headache, migraine, brittle nails and dizziness. In addition to these, it is associated with high blood pressure, tuberculosis and depression.
Food Sources of Vitamin D:
Milk and dairy products, egg yolk, salmon, mackerel, tuna, sardines, fish liver oil (Omega's), soy, Chinese cabbage, seaweed, broccoli, mustard, molasses, cane sugar, legumes, beans, almonds, oranges, and supplements (for those on the go).
Environmental Sources of Vitamin D:
Disclaimer: I am not a Doctor; however, I took some time to research this topic and truly hope that the above information can educate us all during the winter months.
Monday, November 23, 2009
You Are To Blessed, To Be Stressed!
Today, I have been commissioned to come and minister to you. My friend, you are special to God. You are made in His image and likeness (Genesis 1:26). Yes things are difficult at times. Yes people are plotting against you. Yes the lies and rumors are spreading. Through all you have endured, You Are To Blessed, To Be Stressed! The Bible declares in 1 Peter 5:7 - Cast all your care upon him; for he careth for you. The things you spend your time stressing over, God can resolve immediately. You are a child of God! You are surrounded by His angels, equipped with His purpose, anointed by His power, and called for His glory. Things are better in your life than you think. Just because things appear cloudy or bleak, does not mean God cannot locate you.
My brother, my sister, You Are To Blessed, To Be Stressed! When the challenges appear on your job, in your home, in your marriage, within your ministry, or even in your mind, you must know It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. (Psalms 118:8) Go forth today in the assurance of the Lord’s power. Be at peace today. Rest in the satisfaction of knowing God is taking care of you and all your affairs. Beloved, You Are To Blessed, To Be Stressed! Thought to Ponder: If God watched over you while you were unsaved, how much more will He do now that you are saved?
Scripture Reading for the Day: 1 Samuel 17
May God Bless you at Your point of need!
-Minister Darrick McGhee
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Just Prepare and Show Up (God Will Do the Fighting) - Bishop Eddie Long
It is time to fight, but we are nowhere near the boxing ring. We do not understand that all we have to do according to God’s economy is make up our mind to be there and trust God. He does the rest.
The reason you are losing the battle day after day is because you refuse to discipline yourself with the Word and train. For that reason, you never show up at the fight. When the bell rings, God does not come in and fight for you because you are nowhere to be found in that arena. As a result, the enemy wins by default. Then he finds you where you are hiding and works you over just for the fun of it. Ignorance, fear, and poor discipline can wreck your life, even after you receive Jesus Christ into your heart and life!
We may get into scuffles and suffer bruises and falls from time to time, but the real battle on earth does not take place on earth at all. Paul—the man who was shipwrecked, beaten, and imprisoned for Christ in the physical realm—described the real battle in the spirit realm in Ephesians 6. God and His hosts will fight your enemy while you sit there and simply behold the salvation of God! But God will not fight for you until you show up at the battlefield.
You still have to have your battle equipment and maintain it. You still have to go through the training and the discipline because that is what empowers you to sit in the middle of a battle! You still have to fast. You still have to pray. You still have to read, study, and meditate upon God’s Word. If you do these things, you will have the faith and discipline to take your seat at the side of the Most High God and watch Him destroy the works of the enemy once again.
Your help comes only when you are in action.
Today's Prayer:
Heavenly Father, I think I have made this thing too hard by going about it the wrong way. I thought that I had to carry this thing on my back, but You never said that. You want me to show up in full battle gear in my home, on the job, at city hall, and on the streets. Then You will finish the fight for me. I bless You in Jesus’ name, amen.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
A Message About Being Grateful
“Talent is God given. Be humble. Fame is man-given. Be grateful. Conceit is self-given. Be careful.” - John Wooden
“Both abundance and lack exist simultaneously in our lives, as parallel realities. It is always our conscious choice which secret garden we will tend... when we choose not to focus on what is missing from our lives but are grateful for the abundance that's present / love, health, family, friends, work, the joys of nature and personal pursuits that bring us pleasure / the wasteland of illusion falls away and we experience Heaven on earth.” - Sarah Ban Breathnach
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Setbacks do happen
Setbacks are normal.
How many times have you started a new diet or made New Year's Resolutions and found it difficult to stay on point?
Setbacks are our teachers. When we fail to succeed, we have an opportunity to learn what we did wrong. Did we choose the wrong program? Did we set unrealistic goals?
Think of a recent setback and allow it to teach you. Reflect on what went wrong, why it went wrong and how you can do it better the next time.
You must simply change your approach.
Or choose a different option entirely.
It's okay to change your mind.
It's NOT okay to keep doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results (that's the definition of stupidity :) .
Think instead about how you will do things differently next time.
Remind yourself that you almost always get a do-over.
And, as always, when the reflection is done, move on...
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Friday, November 6, 2009
Being Grateful: Leaving things in God's Hands
We, too, steal things from the One True God:
- We steal when we take matters into our own hands, thinking God is too slow or not coming at all;
- We steal when we insist on our own answer instead of being content with God's;
- We steal when we grab for something we want, because we think God won't give it to us;
- We steal when we say we did it when the truth is it only happened because God worked through us.
The problem with this promethean pattern is it destroys our ability to be grateful. If we took it, then we got it no thanks to God or anyone else.
When we snatch things out of the hands of God, it says more about our ability to trust God than it does about whether or not God is trustworthy.
When we grab for what we want, it quite possibly reveals a root of bitterness growing within us, defiling us to think God will not be there for us when we need him (Hebrews 12:15).
When we steal from God's infinite bounty, we're submitting to the lie that we're unworthy to be blessed by God and so we have to take because he's unlikely to give.
Gratitude is one gauge that measures our dependence on God. The more dependent we are, the more grateful we become.
The psalmist sings of gratitude that overflows your soul, compelling you to praise the Almighty, King of Glory: "I long, yes, I faint with longing to enter the courts of the LORD. With my whole being, body and soul, I will shout joyfully to the living God" (Psalm 84:2 NLT).
by Jon Walker
Thursday, November 5, 2009
It's okay to make mistakes
It's Okay to Feel Hurt
You are HUMAN. You were given emotions for a reason – to feel things. Feelings are great indicators of things we should pay attention to. If our feelings are hurt, there is most likely a reason. And you should reflect on what that reason may be.
You are not Super Woman or Super Man. Everyone feels pain. Everyone gets hurt. Your job is to reflect on the circumstances, learn from them and move on.
Acknowledge your PAIN. Ignoring it will only make it worse. It’s important that you acknowledge and deal with it because it has a nasty habit of compounding in the back of your mind when you’re not paying attention.
A thoughtless remark on top of a too-close-to-home criticism does not make a person happy. Be happy – by allowing your pain to be acknowledged, explored, and then dismissed.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Take some Risks Today
Risk being out of your comfort zone!
Risk sharing your true feelings with someone you love!
Risk being thought foolish to pursue a noble goal!
Risk exposing just a little bit of yourself to reveal your true soul!
Risk talking to someone who you think despises you!
Risk looking stupid to reach out and help someone else (even if they reject that help!).
Risk avoiding stagnation.
Risk avoiding inertia.
Risk escaping all those things that are holding you back.
Take some risks today!
And See Where They Might Lead You :)
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Monday, November 2, 2009
All will be revealed in due season.
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Be Confident in Who You Are...
Know that who you are is right for this time, is right for this day and your very exact personality will find its place in this big, wide world.
Be confident in your abilities.
Be confident that you will accomplish what you set out to do.
Be confident that you will know your own mind.
Be confident that if you take risks, you will reap some reward (even if it's just learning not to take that risk again!).
Be confident in who you are. Because, in the end, that's all you might really have.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Facing our Problems
There are times when change—moving to a new city or a new home, or changing careers—is the right thing at the right time. But there are also times when the urge for change is really just a desire to run away from problems that need to be faced rather than avoided. These are the kinds of problems that recur in our lives. For example, issues with coworkers that seem to arise at every job we take, or repeatedly getting into unhealthy relationships. A move might temporarily distract us, and even cure the problem for a time, simply by taking us out of the situation in which the problem fully manifested itself. However, the problem will eventually appear again in our new situation.
One way to make sure you aren’t running away from your problems is to notice whether you are moving towards something that is exciting in its own right, as opposed to something that is appealing only because it is not where you are now. For example, if you are leaving a city because you feel you can’t afford it, you could be reinforcing poverty consciousness, and you might find that you are unable to make ends meet in your new city as well. It would ultimately be less of an effort to stay where you are and look more deeply into your beliefs about money. You may discover that as you address these issues, you are able to make more money simply by changing your mindset. You may still decide to move, but it will be an act with a positive intention behind it and not an escape, which could make all the difference.
Any pain involved in facing our issues is well worth the effort in the end. When we face our problems instead of avoiding them, we free our energy and transform ourselves from people who run away into people who move enthusiastically forward.
-Daily OM 10/30/2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Letting it Go
There are people who can walk away from you.
And hear me when I tell you this! When people can walkaway from you: let them walk. I don't want you to try to talk another person into staying with you, loving you, calling you, caring about you, coming to see you, staying attached to you. I mean hang up the phone.
When people can walk away from you let them walk.Your destiny is never tied to anybody that left.
The bible said that, they came out from us that it might be made manifest that they were not for us. For had they been of us, no doubt they would have continued with us. [1 John 2:19]
People leave you because they are not joined to you.And if they are not joined to you, you can't make them stay.
Let them go.
And it doesn't mean that they are a bad person it justmeans that their part in the story is over. And you've got to know when people's part in your story is over so that you don't keep trying to raise the dead.. You've got to know when it's dead.
You've got to know when it's over. Let me tell yousomething.. I've got the gift of good-bye. It's the tenth spiritual gift, Ibelieve in good-bye.. It's not that I'm hateful, it's that I'm faithful, and I know whatever God means for me to have He'll give it to me. And if it takes too much sweat I don't need it. Stop begging people to stay.
Let them go!!
If you are holding on to something that doesn't belongto you and was never intended for your life, then you need to......
If you are holding on to past hurts and pains .......
If someone can't treat you right, love you back, and see your worth......
If someone has angered you.
If you are holding on to some thoughts of evil and revenge.....
If you are involved in a wrong relationship or addiction... ..
If you are holding on to a job that no longer meets your needs or talents
If you have a bad attitude.... ...
If you keep judging others to make yourself feel better......
If you're stuck in the past and God is trying to take you to a new level in Him.........
If you are struggling with the healing of a brokenrelationship. ....
If you keep trying to help someone who won't even tryto help themselves.. ....
If you're feeling depressed and stressed ............
If there is a particular situation that you are soused to handling yourself and God is saying 'take your hands off of it,' then you need to......
'The Battle is the Lord's!'
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Friday, October 23, 2009
God of the Overflow
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Thursday, October 22, 2009
10/22 Affirmation: No Mistakes
me closer to my destination.
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Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Putting it All on the Altar
"Put it on the Altar" is a prayer of release, a prayer of commitment, and an act of worship. Any work can be put on the altar: the week's work, a life's work, one's ministry, and one's investment in a person. By doing so you are making it clear that this work has been done "as unto the Lord." Putting one's work on the altar frees one from concern of what people think and concern about the results of your effort. So it clears your heart from the fear of man and your mind from lingering on the project.
A person can be put on the altar. By doing so you are making it clear that you don't control this person. You have taken your hands off and put them in God's hands. Putting a person or relationship on the altar should bring a sense of freedom and release. We were made for freedom and when one person clings or controls neither is free.
You can put your heart on the altar with the meaning of putting it into God's care. This is a good idea. It is especially good when we are heart broken. When we let God hold our broken heart He keeps if from becoming hard. In His care our heart can love again.
Putting on the altar the things that we want to control can free us from tension and anxiety. If we are pushing to control, striving to manage, wound up about things it is not good for our health. Letting go of wanting to control is a way of relaxing. The theme of letting go of our drive to over control as a way of reducing stress is fully explained in "the Power of Letting Go" by Patricia Carrington (1999).
Mental over control can dampen the spontaneous enthusiasm, creativity and wisdom our heart and spirit. When we learn to live more from heart and spirit and less from our head we enter a zone of excellence that the Bible calls "the rest" or "life in the Spirit." Using more secular language, Timothy Gallwey explores this interesting theme of getting out of mental over control in his books which include "The Inner Game of Tennis", 'The Inner Game of Golf" and "The Inner Game of Work."
You can put your plans (goals, vision, mission, programs) on the altar to surrender them to God and find God's will for you. To find out if God is calling you to some project surrender the project to God by putting it on the altar. When you picture putting something on the altar the message at the heart level is about taking your hands off, letting and stepping back. God's response, or non-response, can indicate whether God is in it. God may confirm with the still small inner voice, by an increase in inner joy and enthusiasm, by inner peace about moving ahead, with a clearer vision and creative ideas coming forth. With God's confirmation and the sense of God's wind in your sails you can move ahead with confidence and with the sense that you are in partnership with God.
Sometimes pleasing people is a stronger force in our life than pleasing God. That means we fear men more than God. This means that man's thinking can control us. In fact, others have become our God. We are in idolatry. It could be liberating to put these others that we fear on the altar. Sacrifice them and their approval to God. Let God do a work in your heart. Be free of the fear of man. Be free to serve God alone.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Best Version of - Praise is What I Do (Live)
Though my circumstance doesn't even stand a chance, My praise out weighs the bad.
(That's what I'm talking about....!)
Opening ourselves to Love
- John Welwood
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Thursday, October 15, 2009
People are here to Help
I must learn to remember this one.....
Don't Forget: People Are Willing To Help
Don't feel like you have to do it all alone.
People are usually willing to help - you just need to ask.
Don't try to be super-woman or superman.
Ask for help when you need it!
One of the most important aspects of being a leader is being able to delegate to someone else.
One of the most sanity-saving tactics is to be able to delegate something to someone else.
Everything doesn't have to be completed to exacting standards.
Everything doesn't need your personal imprimatur.
Some things are better left in the hands of others - for the sake of expediency, sanity and time well saved.
Besides that, it helps people to help you.
They feel a sense of usefulness and purpose in their interactions with you.
So it's almost like you're doing them a favor by asking them for help :)
Don't be afraid to ask people for help.
Most people are willing to help - you only have to ask.
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Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Being Present
about what might never happen, then you will be in the present moment. Then you
will begin to experience joy in life."
- Brian Weiss, is an American psychiatrist and best-selling author.
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Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Live Free Today
Live free today.
Let someone else's negative comments roll right off your back.
Assume the best when someone else means the worst (especiallywhen someone else means the worst).
After all, the best revenge is a life well lived.
Don't get caught up in negativity, gossip or bad energy.
Live free today.
Create goodness.
Facilitate peace.
Radiate joy.!!!
-Daily Meditations for Tough Times
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Monday, October 12, 2009
There are no accidents.
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Friday, October 9, 2009
- Song of the Day -
Charlie Wilson - "There Goes My Baby"
Thursday, October 8, 2009
What You Think is What You Get!
The Law of Attraction
The law of attraction is surprisingly simple: Like attracts like. It becomes a bit more complicated when it comes to training our minds to think in ways that will bring what we desire into our lives. The term "self-fulfilling prophecy" describes the same law. This well-known term explains that we create the circumstances our mind dwells upon, whether positive or negative. So our goal is to practice consistent presence of mind to make sure our thoughts are always directed toward the positive and that which we want to create.
A key to the process is the word "frequency." This is true for two reasons: 1) The frequency you use when you passionately dwell upon or revisit a thought, dream, desire or goal provides the energy your musings need for creation; and 2) just like a radio station broadcasts on a certain frequency, like the radio you must be "tuned in" to receive it. This means preparing for the arrival of your dream on every possible level—material, physical, and spiritual. You don’t have to know how it will come into your life, just trust that it will. Your job is to lay the groundwork, follow any leads you can find, and prepare for its arrival. This can mean cleaning out your garage to make space for a new car, taking a tour of a model home to get the feel of it in order to feed your fantasies, or thinking of what you want in a mate and then living up to that list yourself.
Just like with any skill, the law of attraction must be practiced. We must decide what makes us feel abundant, and use our imagination to create the feeling. It isn’t enough to just want something; you must use the power of your thoughts to attract it. A series of choices is what brings us everything in our lives right now, every moment. When we know the direction we want our choices to take us, it is as if we’ve placed an order with the universe. Then we can await its arrival with joyful anticipation. If we find ways to experience our dreams right now, we make creating joy a treasure hunt in which the seeking is just as much fun as the finding.
-Daily OM (10/8/2009)
Are you in despair?
- Be Blessed
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Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Take Time for Yourself
Take Time For Yourself
Remember: there will always be a lot have to do. The demands sometimes never end - the kids always need you, the job is overly demanding, friends are wondering where you disappeared to and family problems seem never-ending.
But remember to take time for yourself. You can't take care of anybody else if you don't take care of you. What's the point of 'having it all' if it means you're a burned out wreck at the end? What's the point of gaining the world if it means losing your soul?
Take time for yourself. Enjoy today for today. Do things that benefit your mind, body and spirit. All the time. Every week. Unfailingly.
Take time for yourself. And don't let anybody stop you.
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Tuesday, October 6, 2009
All Things are Possible
So Jesus said to them, "Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, `Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.
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Monday, October 5, 2009
Claim It
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Thursday, October 1, 2009
Are you waiting on God or is he waiting on You?
Waiting on God Faithfully requires Patience, Trust, and Total Dependence on God
Are you waiting on God or Is God waiting on you?
Are you doing your part in what the bible says to do while "waiting"?
Will you choose to wait on God patiently and faithfully? Your answer will determine your end result.
Waiting on God faithfully is not easy, and is painful at times but it will be worth it!
James 1:12 "God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him." (NLT)
James 1:2-4 "My brothers and sisters, when you have many kinds of troubles, you should be full of joy, because you know that these troubles test your faith, and this will give you patience. Let your patience show itself perfectly in what you do. Then you will be perfect and complete and will have everything you need." (NCV)
Hebrews 10:36 "Learn to be patient, so that you will please God and be given what he has promised." (CEV)
Hebrews 6:15 "Then after Abraham had been very patient, he was given what God had promised." (CEV)
Romans 15:4 "Such things were written in the Scriptures long ago to teach us. And the Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God's promises to be fulfilled." (NLT)
James 5:11 "....You remember how patient Job was and how the Lord finally helped him. The Lord did this because he is so merciful and kind." (CEV)
Philippians 2:14 "Do everything without complaining or arguing."(NCV)
Psalm 27:14 "Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord." (NLT)
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Thought for Today
Are you persevering? If not, what's keeping you from holding on and going through to your season of blessing?
Don't allow excuses, people, unrealistic expectations, or pride to keep you from God's unfailing love, protection, and blessings.
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Wednesday, September 30, 2009
It Is Well
I will lift up my eyes to the hills--From whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.
Psalm 27:1
The LORD is my light and my salvation—
whom shall I fear?
The LORD is the stronghold of my life—
of whom shall I be afraid?
Our lives are full of peaks and valleys. When our mountain-top experiences turn suddenly to valleys of despair, we must have faith to keep going. Lord strengthen us we pray, so when our hearts are troubled, we will have the courage to proclaim even so, it is well with our souls.
9/30 Affirmation
Yesterday is behind me. Tomorrow is not important. Today is my everything. NOW is my reality. |
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Tuesday, September 29, 2009
9/29 Affirmation
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9/29 Affirmation
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Monday, September 28, 2009
Don't just trust God for things; trust Him in things.
Don't just trust God for things; trust Him in things.
Too often, we fall into the trap of trusting God to give us more things—a new car, a bigger house, a better computer. We turn God into little more than a supernatural Santa Claus, who gives us what we want.
Although God does want his people to prosper and be blessed, it is much more important to him that you entrust him with your life.
Proverbs 3:5-6 says, Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
Trusting God is simply having faith in him—that he is who he says he is. In tough circumstances, trusting God means believing his promises, that he will work all things out for good. Trusting God does not mean trusting that he'll send Santa to give you what you want.
Especially during difficult times, putting your faith and trust in God brings rewards. Isaiah 26:3 says, You [God] will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Perfect peace is available if you're willing to trust God in the midst of challenging times.
Restoring - Take Initiative
September 28, 2009 Restoring Relationships: Take the initiativeby Rick Warren "If you enter your place of worship and are about to make an offering, but you suddenly remember a grudge a friend has against you, abandon your offering, leave immediately, go to this friend and make things right. Then and only then, come back and work things out with God" (Matthew 5:23-24 Msg). |
The second biblical step toward restoring a relationship is to take the initiative. It doesn't matter whether you are the offender or the offended, God expects you to make the first move. Don't wait for the other party. Go to them first. Restoring broken fellowship is so important, Jesus commanded that it even take priority over group worship. He said, "If you enter your place of worship and are about to make an offering, but you suddenly remember a grudge a friend has against you, abandon your offering, leave immediately, go to this friend and make things right. Then and only then, come back and work things out with God" (Matt. 5:23-24 Msg). When fellowship is strained or broken, plan a peace conference immediately. Don't procrastinate, make excuses, or promise, "I'll get around to it someday." Schedule a face-to-face meeting as soon as possible. Delay only deepens resentment and makes matters worse. In conflict, time heals nothing; it causes hurts to fester. Acting quickly also reduces the spiritual damage to you. The Bible says sin, including unresolved conflict, blocks our fellowship with God and keeps our prayers from being answered, besides making us miserable. Job's friends reminded him, "To worry yourself to death with resentment would be a foolish, senseless thing to do," (Job 5:2, TEV) and "You're only hurting yourself with your anger" (Job 18:4, TEV). The success of a peace conference often depends on choosing the right time and place to meet. Don't meet when of you are tired, rushed or could be interrupted. The best time is when you both are at your best. |
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Measure of Life
The measure of a life, after all, is not its duration, but its
-- Corrie ten Boom
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Friday, September 25, 2009
Believe in Yourself
Believe in yourself. Believe that you have what it takes to make it. Believe that you are going to make it through. Believe that you will persevere through the tough times. Believe that you are equipped and prepared to deal with your problems. Believe in yourself. Even if (especially if) no one else does...
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Thursday, September 24, 2009
There is never a "Right" time
There is never a "right" time.
All you have is a "right now" and that's pretty much it.
Do what you can in the now.
If you can't do it today, then plan for tomorrow or the next day or next year.
Because it's good to have long-range goals, five-year plans and the like. But just as important is that you have an effective use of your time "right now."
I can't stress the importance of effective time management. You can plan until you're blue in the face when you'll start that project or get started on that goal, but if you don't use your "right now" time to do it, it'll always remain a sketch on a drawing board, an idea, a hope or a dream.
The only way to make that dream be realized in the here and now is to get a start on it. Whether that means writing your proposal, cooking yourself a healthy meal, researching options for going back to school or organizing your house, your life, your head or whatever needs organizing.
Make your dreams a reality - NOW.
There never is a "right" time.
So stop waiting on it...
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Thursday, September 17, 2009
Be Content!
Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with
what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you;
never will I forsake you."
Hebrews 13:5, New International Version
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Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Let Go of Grudges
Holding grudges uses lots of emotional energy. And, when your emotional energy is tied up in a grudge, it holds you in the past. Grudges hold energy hostage and it's not until you forgive that your energy can be restored.
Think of forgiveness as something you do for yourself. Think of it as something that makes you stronger, not weaker.
If you're holding grudges, let them go. Seek reconciliation if needed. If you find it hard to forgive then start with the small grudges and work your way up. The physical feeling of relief and the energy reclaimed will be well worth it.
Forgive today. It’s time to move on!
-Healthy Living
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Today's Affirmation
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Tuesday, September 1, 2009
For those that are control freaks
Let me reassure you of something you've always feared:
Here it is: If you just let go of your rigidly, over-planned life for just one second, it'll still be okay.
The world will not spin apart, life will not end as you know it and everything will most likely be just fine.
If you take a vacation from work, the work will still get done and you will not get fired.
If you allow your spouse to spend time with the kids, they will still get fed, take their naps, have their diapers changed and be the healthy, adorable kids you know them to be.
If you eat one thing more than you intended for lunch, you will not gain five pounds.
If you show up five minutes late for your appointment (due to totally unforeseen circumstances), your client will understand - especially if you're normally on time.
Similarly, if your life has not turned out to be what you expected thus far, you still have time.
If you still haven't found that perfect mate, there's still hope.
And if you see no plan or purpose for your life at all - you still have today.
Here's a final note to those of us who are control freaks:
You cannot control anyone or anything. As a matter of fact, you can barely control yourself. You can only do what you can do when you are able to do it. You have done the absolute best you can with what you have and you will continue to do better as you heal emotionally and learn more about life.
You are not in control and you never will be. There will always be circumstances that will happen whether or not you plan for every contingency. You will now have to learn what words and phrases like "go with the flow" "be flexible" and "be prepared for anything" really mean. Because that's LIFE. Unpredictable, illogical, yet filled with wonder.
Let go. Take a vacation. Take a day off. Eat a bowl of ice cream. It's okay - the world will not end. Take today to enjoy what you have right where you are - acknowledging you have done your absolute best to accomplish your dreams, further your career and make a difference in this world.
Forgive yourself for anything you've done wrong and mentally prepare yourself for the next challenge you will surely face.
So stop trying...
-Daily Meditations for Tough Times
Monday, August 31, 2009
The Morning Prayer
Thank you for this day and for the rich opportunities this day will bring forward. I pray for your love and light to guide me in all my endeavors, that I am safe, that I am protected, that I am free to express my gifts, that I may have work that fulfills me and nourishes my life, personally and financially. I am eternally grateful for all that is and have complete faith and trust that all my needs are met.
And so it is. Amen
Friday, August 28, 2009
For What do we Know about Our Future?
We are not in charge of life but one thing we can be certain of is this:
Jeremiah 29:10-14 NIV
This is what the LORD says: “When seventy years are completed for Babylon, I will come to you and fulfill my gracious promise to bring you back to this place. 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD , “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you,” declares the LORD , “and will bring you back from captivity. I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you,” declares the LORD , “and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile.”
Therefore, during times of worry, anxiousness, and fear, we should always remember:
The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in
everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests
to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding,
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Phil 4:5b-7(NIV)
We may not be spared pain, suffering, or hardship, but God will see us through to a glorious conclusion.
When God wants to drill a man,
And thrill a man,
And skill a man;
When God wants to mold a man
To play the noblest part,
Then he yearns with all his heart
To create so great and bold a man
That all the world shall be amazed,
Watch his methods, watch his ways—
How he ruthlessly perfects
Whom he royally elects.
How he hammers him and hurts him,
And with mighty blows, converts him
Into trial shapes of clay
Which only God understands.
While his tortured heart is crying,
And he lifts beseeching hands.
How he bends but never breaks
When his good he undertakes.
How he uses Whom he chooses,
And with every purpose, fuses him,
By every act, induces him
To try his splendor out.
God knows what he's about.
-Author Unknown
Thursday, August 27, 2009
"That ish ain't funny"
Hope you enjoy...
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
The Four Boyfriends (this should mean something to everyone)
She loved the 4th boyfriend the most and adorned him with rich robes and treated him to the finest of delicacies. She gave him nothing but the very best.
She also loved the 3rd boyfriend very much and was always showing him off to neighboring kingdoms. However, she feared that one day he would leave her for another.
She also loved her 2nd boyfriend. He was her confidant and was always kind, considerate and patient with her. Whenever this girl faced a problem, she could confide in him, and he would help her get through the difficult times.
The girls 1st boyfriend was a very loyal partner and had made great contributions in maintaining her wealth and kingdom. However, she did not love the first boyfriend. Although he loved her deeply, she hardly took notice of him!
One day, the girl fell ill and she knew her time was short. She thought of her luxurious life and wondered, I now have four boyfriends with me, but when I die, I'll be all alone."
Thus, she asked the 4th boyfriend, "I loved you the most, endowed you with the finest clothing and showered great care over you. Now that I'm dying, will you follow me and keep me company?"
"No way!", replied the 4th boyfriend, and he walked away without another word.
His answer cut like a sharp knife right into her heart.
The sad girl then asked the 3rd boyfriend, "I loved you all my life. Now that I'm dying, will you follow me and keep me company?"
"No!", replied the 3rd boyfriend. "Life is too good! When you die, I'm going to marry someone else!"
Her heart sank and turned cold.
She then asked the 2nd boyfriend, "I have always turned to you for help and you've always been there for me. When I die, will you follow me and keep me company?"
"I'm sorry, I can't help you out this time!", replied the 2nd boyfriend. "At the very most, I can only walk with you to your grave."
His answer struck her like a bolt of lightning, and the girl was devastated.
Then a voice called out: "I'll go with you. I'll follow you no matter where you go."
The girl looked up, and there was her first boyfriend. He was very skinny as he suffered from malnutrition and neglect.
Greatly grieved, the girl said, "I should have taken much better care of you when I had the chance!"
In truth, you have 4 boyfriend's in your lives:
Your 4th boyfriend is your body. No matter how much time and effort you lavish in making it look good, it will leave you when you die.
Your 3rd boyfriend is your possessions, status and wealth. When you die, it will all go to others.
Your 2nd boyfriend is your family and friends. No matter how much they have been there for you, the furthest they can stay by you is up to the grave.
And your 1st boyfriend is your Soul. Often neglected in pursuit of wealth, power and pleasures of the world.
However, your Soul is the only thing that will follow you where ever you go. Cultivate, strengthen and cherish it now, for it is the only part of you that will follow you to the throne of God and continue with you throughout Eternity.
Thought for the day: Remember, when the world pushes you to your knees, you're in the perfect position to pray.
Pass this on to someone you care about - I just did.
Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect. It means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections.
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Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Goodness and Mercy (Fear & Grace)
by Rick Warren
Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the LORD forever. Psalm 23:6 (NLT)
*** *** *** ***
God is watching over you.
When King David writes, "Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me," he's not saying, "Surely only good things will happen to me!"
The fact is bad things happen to good people. What David is teaching us is that God can take bad, evil, and difficult situations and bring something good out of them.
It's one of God's great promises to us: we can know that all things are working for our good "if we love God and are fitting into his plans" (Romans 8:28 LB). If you're a believer, the Bible says all things are working together for good – not that all things are good, but that they work together for good. There's no difficulty, dilemma, defeat, or disaster in life that God can't ultimately turn toward good.
When you understand God's grace and mercy, there's no need to fear the future. God isn't trying to get even with you. Jesus shouldered the penalty for everything you've ever done wrong or will do wrong. He paid for it on the cross. So when a bad thing happens, you don't have to think, "God's getting even with me." That's how God's grace and mercy work.
Mercy, like goodness, follows us in life. Picture a parent following a little child around picking up after them; God is constantly picking up our messes.
Think about this:
• Christians go to the future, not with a question mark, but with an exclamation point. God will be with you no matter what happens. He will help you out.
• God's goodness provides and protects; God's mercy pardons and forgives. God's goodness will supply; God's mercy will sooth. God's goodness will help; God's mercy will heal.
• Goodness is the fact that God gives us good things in life that we don't deserve. Mercy means God holds back the condemnation we deserve.
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Fruitful words for a Fruitful Life
The less you associate with some people, the more your life will improve. Any time you tolerate mediocrity in others, it increases your mediocrity. An important attribute in successful people is their impatience with negative thinking and negative acting people. As you grow, your associates will change. Some of your friends will not want you to go on. They will want you to stay where they are. Friends that don't help you climb will want you to crawl. Your friends will stretch your vision or choke your dream. Those that don't increase you will eventually decrease you.
Consider this: Never receive counsel from unproductive people. Never discuss your problems with someone incapable of contributing to the solution, because those who never succeed themselves are always first to tell you how. Not everyone has a right to speak into your life.
You are certain to get the worst of the bargain when you exchange ideas with the wrong person. Don't follow anyone who's not going anywhere. With some people you spend an evening: with others you invest it. Be careful where you stop to inquire for directions along the road of life. Wise is the person who fortifies his life with the right friendships. If you run with wolves, you will learn how to howl. But, if you associate with eagles, you will learn how to soar to great heights. 'A mirror reflects a man's face, but what he is really like is shown by the kind of friends he chooses.' The simple but true fact of life is that you become like those with whom you closely associate - for the good and the bad.
Note: Be not mistaken. This is applicable to family as well as friends. love, appreciate and be thankful for your family, for they will always be your family no matter what. Just know that they are human first and though they are family to you, they may be a friend to someone else and will fit somewhere in the criteria above.
'In Prosperity Our Friends Know Us. In Adversity We Know Our Friends.'
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Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Today's Meditation - Capture the Power of Perseverance
"Perseverance is the golden key to being successful in anything you do."
Be it losing weight, improving your relationships or even starting a business. It's a matter of hanging on long after others have quit.
Perseverance overcomes almost everything. When you fall, perseverance tells you to get up. When you're defeated, perseverance tells you to try again. When you feel like quitting, perseverance doesn't let you.
If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again.
Therein lies the secret to being a winner.
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Monday, August 17, 2009
And the Bad Days Come
Bad days will come.
No matter how many positive affirmations you say.
No matter how good you are to people.
No matter how resiliently you put a smile on your face.
People die.
Friends leave.
Marriages end.
Jobs are downsized.
Nights are lonely.
And life is tough.
No matter how good you are, how competent you are, how good-looking you are, how spiritual you are or how much you've 'got it going on.
'Bad days will come.
But that's okay.
Because they happen to the best and worst of us.
Just like the sun shines on everyone, so does the rain come down on everyone.
Some things are fate, some things are bad luck and some things are karma.
What goes around comes around and sometimes it's just your time.
Some things are meant to toughen you, some things are meant to toughen others and sometimes there are lessons to be learned and taught.
Sometimes it's just a down year or a down month or a down day.
But just as the bad days come, so do the good.
These things are cyclical, so just as you're having the worst time in your life, your best time probably just right around the corner.
And - you know what?
I bet you appreciate that good time so much more after getting through that rotten period of time.
I am in no way suggesting that you should be happy about the pain - but I am CERTAINLY suggesting you should be happy knowing that this pain too shall pass.
And you'll smile again.
And you'll go see some silly movie and find yourself laughing out loud.
And your appetite will return.
And your hopes will be renewed. Until you can't quite remember what it was that had you so down and blue in the first place.....
The bad days come......But so do the good!
Keep hope alive
-Daily Meditations for Tough Times (online)
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Sunday, August 16, 2009
Our Responsibility - Sow Seeds
-Rick Warren
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Saturday, August 15, 2009
Don't Worry
Only people who don't know God are always worrying about such
things. Your Father in heaven knows that you need all of these.
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Friday, August 14, 2009
A Time to Yield and A Time to Stand
We all want to get along with others.
We want to be the peacemakers instead of the troublemakers.
We want to be liked instead of giving offense.
And we want life to flow as smoothly as possible as often as possible.
We watch our words, we try to help when possible and we look out for others as best we can.
But there is a time to yield and a time to stand.
There comes a time when getting along is outweighed by the need to speak up.
There comes a time when being a 'team' player is coming at the cost of your personal integrity.
And there comes a time to stand your ground and do what is right.
No matter whose feelings you hurt, who doesn't like it and whatever the outcome.
Do you need to 'stand' today?
- Daily Meditations for Tough Times (online)
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It's Going to Be Alright II
Posted: 13 Aug 2009 11:00 PM PDT
It's going to be alright.
You can handle whatever challenge you are facing.
You've done it before and you can do it again.
You're stronger than you used to be.
You're more confident than you used to be.
Things that would have made you cry a year ago are barely obstacles any more.
It's going to be alright.
No matter how bad it seems, you can rest assured that you're going to make it.
Times are going to get better.
Life is going to get easier.
You just have to get
And you can do it! Just hold on. Breathe.
Remember the last time something like this happened.
And how you made it through.
And remind yourself:You're stronger than you used to be. You're more confident than you used to be. You've done it before and you can do it again.
Now get through it.
-Daily Meditations for Tough Times (online)
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